Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Plantar fasciitis-treatment by taking medicines- name a few pl?

Initially, I have the tingling pain and the pain becomes more severe when I play 18 holes golf. I wear golf shoes of reputed make. When Iam not playing golf I have the tingling feeling now and then. Iam 72 years of age.

Plantar fasciitis-treatment by taking medicines- name a few pl?
Any time you on your feet for a long period of time its going to cause more pain. Get yourself a comfortable insert and when you get home grab a cold can of soda lay it on the floor and roll your foot over it for about ten minutes. should loosen the tendon up.
Reply:Plantar Facitis ususally comes under a broard term of conditions affecting the lower limbs up tp the hip area of the body.

It may affect your blood vessals, muscular tissues and of cause bone and tendone stuctures.

Essentially it can be introduced as a Viral / bacterial type depending on the type of corse and also can be heredetary and comes often with old age.

It is essentially the welling of certain lower limb and body areas, causing many suferers a lot of pain.

For some it may be constant, for others intermotent.

Pain medications may assist, but of course this is only a short term remedy.

The best advice I can give as an ex-medical rep, is KEEP ON THE MOVE.

No mater what the age, movement in the lower body is essential to good health. Also You can purchas Astrix (100mg Asprin) over the counter. Most Asprin comes in 300 mg which is too much to take every day. But taking 100mg wich is a smaller amount reduces pain and swelling in the long run.

Of course there are many other medications, however I recommend, a lifestyle change, ehere you consult with your local GP and ask for a prolonged, extended consultation to create a case management of this condition, so that you can both work together to see what is going to work for you in the long run.

Remember, its nice not to have pain, or have pain relief, but its even better if you can get it under control.

Facitis is a latin term fir lower body and itis is latib for inflamation. So maybe you can even consult with your pharnacist as there are many non medicated remedies, such as herbal medicines, yoga, certain stretch excercises.

It goes without saying that certain foods will exaserbate the condition, like tomatoes or some very spicy foods etc.

You will be the only person who knows when it is at its worst.

It may be helpful to keep a journal of the following for one month:

Time of day when it is at its worst

Food taken prior to an episode

Stressors or triggers prior to episodes

environmental factors prior to episodes

Chart when it is at its worst, eg: Morning, Day or night.

For many sufferers it is usually afternoon leading into the night, as exertion and too much activity can also exacerbate it as well.

Once you have done this for a month and plotted the frequenqy and duration of the episodes, you may also be able to identify a common factor leading up to the episode.

Armed with this type of information you have already done most of your local doctors work and you can both be informed as to the best way to manage the condition.

PS: If all ese fails, PRAY to God through the name of Jesus for healing and pain relief. I did and it worked on many ocassions.

Sometimes an open mind is an invitation into a very exclisive mindset, which always from my experience results with positive impact both upon the sufferer you in this case and those around you.

As we are creatures who live not unto ourselves, we are impacted either negatively or positively by our actions and this applies to those around us as to how we impact upon them.

I hope all the very best for you and am saying a prayer for you right now. Soon you will see that the pain and condition are secondary to life itself..

PS PS: I forgot, the other approach you can safelt take is a mini detox to your whole system. This can be acheived by drinking 250 ml, 1 glass of Cranberry juice every day for two weeks, then email back to me and tell me how you feel.

I am a carer for a gentleman aged the same age a you, and you should see the rapid results it acheives in cleansing the liver and reducing unwanted toxins from the body, I gaurantee you you will feel much more energetic and have greater pain relief as this will also take a load of your liver. If not, call me and I%26#039;ii buy you a cup of coffee.

Seriously if you want to talk, feel fee to email me or call me on 0425362070 in Australia.

Best Regards


From Suncan ( Slamdunk).

May you go on to live many many more productive and happy joyful years.
Reply:I wear an ankle/footbrace for it. At one point I also took Neurontin for it. That might help with the tingling.
Reply:One of the best treatments for plantar fasciitis is myofascial release. The plantar fascia is basically a thick band of connective tissue that cannot lengthen or shorten on its own (no contractile properties). Check for massage therapists in your area that are familiar with this treatment, or get a prescription for physical therapy so they can use other treatment modalities to calm the area down.

Traditional medications for this would be anti inflammatory drugs (advil, motrin, aleve, etc) but check with an MD before taking these.
Reply:Google some stretching exercises you can do in the morning. It can take as long as 6 months to heal this problem, but with stretching and the right shoes you%26#039;ll feel better in no time.

1. Take an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofin (Advil) or aspirin about an hour *before* you head out to do any activity or errand.

2. New Balance makes excellent shoes to treat specific issues. You%26#039;ll can find suitable model suggestions here: http://store.nbdelaware.com/merchant2/me...

It%26#039;s extremely important that you have shoes designed for walking because they%26#039;re made differently and offer better support than regular sneakers. Go to a New Balance store to get fitted and buy elsewhere if your style isn%26#039;t on sale.

3. When returning from activities, apply an ice pack on your feet and elevate them.

4. If you feel you have tried good shoes, stretching, etc... and are still experiencing pain or mobility, see a sports medicine doctor or podiatrist.

What is Plantar Fasciitis:


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